Autostarting a module and detaching our own process

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  Autostart of a module is only a question to set the MODULEF_CALL_STARTUP 
  flag in our ModuleEntry.c. See in the next section the link. 
  Now it is going harder..., but it stays solvable :) 
  There a two ways to launch an own process (similar to detaching in CLI) 
  ARexx solution: 
    after the module does get a command, it does send a command to the 
    DOpus ARexx port and launch with this the real command (this is 
    detached since the sending of the ARexx command will return before the 
    real command is finished) 
    This is done in the Autostart case (FUNCID_STARTUP) of the 
  C like solution: 
    simply using the IPC routines of the dopus5.library - hmm..., good, 
    not sooo simple, but ... :) 
    This are also the basic routines we need for our next work, so I hope 
    you have understand all. 
    If you want to use the IPC routines, but you want not to take care 
    about all needed stuff, you may also have a look in 
     LaunchIPC.c . 
    This routines does make retrieving you own process so easy as possible. 

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